Center City Locations
Class size limited for individualized attention
Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Kung & Meditation to
Move Towards Health & WellBeing

Interwoven with gentle yet powerful practices of chi kung, yoga, meditataion and tai chi, we'll learn stress-response to replace stress-reaction. With favorite fables of a kaleidoscope of cultures we'll remember the ways of Health and WellBeing of ancient wisdoms
E-mail to register for this workshop
Class fee: $75 preregistration by November 7
At the door: $85
watch this page or e-mail for details:
Other Workshops To Watch For!
Meridian work for
balance, flow and evensmoothness
The Taoist sages saw balance and harmony in the world around them. They studied the flow of the seasons and the delicate interplay of energies in nature. They observed this pattern reflected in their own health and well being in the flow of chi through meridians. Experience each meridian's special energy through posture, movement and guided meditation, and workings to integrate these energies into the whole.
When the energy flows
in even smoothness
around the path of the meridians
there is balance and at-ease-ment,
a healthier, happier sense of wellness
and peace of mind.
Sound foundations
Fundamentals of Practice
This workshop will strengthen the core of your yoga practice – with the intention to review, refine and renew. Beginers will gain a sound foundation, long time practitioners will hone and refine – and enjoy a day of respite in yoga!
When a posture is practiced well -
alignment, breath,
physical repose and state of mind -
it is as though
an harmonic chord is struck.
Each of the parts of your practice is
distinct and yet blended,
strong and yet effortless,
and you vibrate with the beauty of it.
Awaken, Strengthen and Balance your 5 Elements
Learn ways to feed and cultivate your inner energy, like the butterfly forming in its cocoon. Awaken, strengthen and balance through yoga and chi kung practices as each facet of the five elements reveals its secrets. The groundedness and strength of earth, the growth of wood, the passion of fire, the power of metal, the flow of water... and much, much more!
The chryalisis is the cocoon phase
of the butterfly -
when everything
the butterfly will become
is formed,
and emerging,
reveals a beauteous being.
A time of quiet power,
awesome creativity
and boundless potential and possiblity.
Quiet the endless lists,
loud demands
and urgent rush
Give yourself this gift of an afternoon apart from the stress of life. Learn easy, useful techniques to become stress-less. Relax, re-vitalize, re-new with breath practices, then follow your breath into calming and focusing practices of yoga, chi kung and meditation.
An old saying:
"The absence of stress if death."
While it's true we can't
ELIMINATE stress from our lives,
we CAN change the way
we respond (or react)
to a healthier, more balanced and life-affirming Way of being.
Observe, increase and direct internal energy
A full day of chi kung is an awesome experience. People report wonderful deepening and breakthroughs in their personal practice. We will begin with an introduction to fundamentals and progress through the three tan tiens and the five aspects of being - physical, mental, emotional, inter-relational and spiritual. You'll also get a taste of utilizing chi for your own healing as well as for others.
the "outer limits"
of your inner work,
and integrating
the whole.
Meridian work for
balance, flow and evensmoothness
The Taoist sages saw balance and harmony in the world around them. They studied the flow of the seasons and the delicate interplay of energies in nature. They observed this pattern reflected in their own health and well being in the flow of chi through meridians. Experience each meridian's special energy through posture, movement and guided meditation, and workings to integrate these energies into the whole.
When the energy flows
in even smoothness
around the path of the meridians
there is balance and at-ease-ment,
a healthier, happier sense of wellness
and peace of mind.
spinning vortexes of energy
Through guided meditation, chi kung and yoga practices we'll connect with each chakra's energy - increase awareness, balance and strengthen, and integrate each with the whole. Working on your own chakra balance, you affect the energy and well being of all humanity. We'll follow the path of the map of consciousness from the basic primal instinct up through the layers of human consciousness to the divine.
Within you dances
a wonderful rainbow
of spinning vortexes of light
and energy.
A special day to
come in from the rain
and the business of every day life
and prepare for spring.
Three special
Chi Kung themes:
We’ll review the basics of chi kung practice,
then begin with....
Flush away toxins
Flush away the winter blues, the sluggish energy, the toxins and negativity. Clear the way to....
Restore spring
Awaken and restore flow of energy, raise your level of energy, awaken, arise anew
Shift your energy from winter quiet and stillness (which can feel like lethargy)
flow into the beginnings of spring's growth
in preparation for the activity of summer energy....
Just 5-10 minutes per day
to get strong and balanced!
Special Chi Kung practices to get strong -
muscles, ligaments and tendons.
Upper Body Series Spend just five to seven minutes 3 times per week doing these practices and you’ll see astounding results in your hands and arms (lower and upper), shoulders, chest and upper back
Lower Body Series In just 10 minutes 3 times per week, you can dramatically increase your lower body strength and your balance. You’ll see the results in your calves and shins, knees and thighs, greater range of motion in your hips, and amazing improvements in balance.
Bonus! Increase bone density!
Bonus! Improve your balance!
“Teaching and Healing is the work of
my heart and spirit. My intention is
to create a safe and supportive
experience, that “healing place”
which is not so much a physical space
but rather a state of being.”