the web site of
A Healing Place
A healing and teaching practice
in Philadelphia
Creating Health
and Well-Being
We all know the directives:
In today's busy world, it can be difficult to find the time to take care of yourself, and difficult to decide among the various practices available.
On these pages you'll find information about personal practices and about healing therapies which can help you in your quest to take care of yourself.
A Healing Place
A Healing Place offers personal practices & healing therapies that are good for you - body, mind, heart and spirit. Cathy specializes in Kinesiologies that address:
And there's more! Your Energy Kinesiologist works with you in partnership to improve your health and WellBeing. To help you help yourself, Cathy teaches private lessons, classes, workshops and retreats integrating the principles of Energy Kinesiology with the traditions of yoga, tai chi, chi kung and meditation -
Raise your WellBeingQuotient©!
Why not start this week?
See you in class!
“Teaching and Healing is the work of my heart and spirit. My intention is to create a safe and supportive experience, that “healing place” which is not so much a physical space but rather a state of being.”
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